Guy Debord: Rapport...
Full title: Rapport sur la construction des situations et sur les conditions de l'organisation et de l'action de la tendance situationniste internationale
Published in June 1957, the 1st edition, in uncommonly Fine condition. This is the founding text of the Situationist International, presented at the conference of Cosio di Arroscia by Guy Debord the month after its publication. The verso reads: 'This report, presented to the members of the Lettrist International, the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus and the London Psychogeographical Committee as a platform for discussion between these organizations and as a document for their propaganda, is not to be sold under any circumstances.'
Full title: Rapport sur la construction des situations et sur les conditions de l'organisation et de l'action de la tendance situationniste internationale
Published in June 1957, the 1st edition, in uncommonly Fine condition. This is the founding text of the Situationist International, presented at the conference of Cosio di Arroscia by Guy Debord the month after its publication. The verso reads: 'This report, presented to the members of the Lettrist International, the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus and the London Psychogeographical Committee as a platform for discussion between these organizations and as a document for their propaganda, is not to be sold under any circumstances.'
Full title: Rapport sur la construction des situations et sur les conditions de l'organisation et de l'action de la tendance situationniste internationale
Published in June 1957, the 1st edition, in uncommonly Fine condition. This is the founding text of the Situationist International, presented at the conference of Cosio di Arroscia by Guy Debord the month after its publication. The verso reads: 'This report, presented to the members of the Lettrist International, the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus and the London Psychogeographical Committee as a platform for discussion between these organizations and as a document for their propaganda, is not to be sold under any circumstances.'